
Resources to help explain coronavirus and manage anxiety.

All these website contain visual resources, advice for parents and activities that can help add structure to your days and help reduce anxiety.

National Autistic Society

Top tips for families

You can download a booklet that contains lots of links to visual aids that you can use at home

There are lots of useful advice and resources that you can access to help to add structure to your day and reduce anxiety.


These resources were sent from the Local Authority
Elsa Support

Here are some more links to stories which could also be used to read and to talk about.

An activity information book about a virus
Carol Gray Social Stories

Social story about coronavirus and pandemics. The social story uses large print pictures and provides contextual information about pandemics and viruses in general.

Websites recommended by the Derby STEPs team

Boredom busters - A range of ideas to keep children busy

Free resources to download- Click the link below


Sheffield Children’s

FREE NHS information leaflets with symbols used. These easy read communication boards include social stories and cover topics such as: being at home, feelings, schedule and choose symbols for home, school is different, self-care kit and more.

Click on the link below


Pyramid education

PECS is a unique alternative communication system.

Support at home

Pyramid is committed to providing free resources to families to make time at home a little easier and to encourage learning opportunities. On the website there are lots of good ideas for practical activities and resources that you can download.
