In Relationships children learn about how develop and maintain healthy relationships within a range of contexts. They learn to recognise and manage different emotions within a range of relationships. In addition, they learn how to respond to negative relationships which includes anti-bullying.
Our PSHE curriculum includes the statutory RSE (Relationships and Health Education) curriculum and children are taught in Year 2,4 and 5 about age appropriate aspects including, the biological facts related to human growth and development, puberty and sexual reproduction.
In Living in the Wider World children learn about rights and responsibilities in different social groups. They recognise what equality and diversity mean within a community. In addition, they learn about how money plays an important part in society and how to be responsible and manage money well.
In Health and Wellbeing children learn about what is meant by a healthy lifestyle, how to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Children are taught about drugs so they recognise the benefits, safety aspects and dangers they can bring.