
Collective Worship

All pupils at Bishop Lonsdale Church of England Primary School and Nursery are required to take part in daily Collective Worship where they are given the opportunity to explore their own beliefs and consider spiritual and moral issues.  

At Bishop Lonsdale School we believe that children are able to develop confidently in a safe and secure environment nurtured by the beliefs and teachings of the Christian faith.  We meet together daily to reinforce community values and to worship together, encouraging children to develop a positive learning and caring attitude towards each other and the natural environment. 

Easter Service 2022

Worship Club

At Worship club the children plan, deliver and evaluate some class and whole school Worships.  The children also work towards their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

During 2020-2021 7 children in Year 4 achieved their Bronze Worship Award..


Picture News 
Picture News encourages children to talk about a national or world event each week. Download this weeks Picture News below. 
Should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?
British Value: Democracy
Decisions about building homes can affect everyone.  We can make these decisions together by learning about others' opinions and ideas through surveys, meetings and votes.
UN Rights of a Child: 27: Food, Clothing, A Safe Home 
We all have the rights to a safe place to live to help us grow and thrive.  The government should help families and children who might be struggling to access housing. 
Christian Value: Wisdom 
Understanding Christianity: Gospel 
Bible Link: Matthew 7:24-27
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a  wise man who built his house on the rock.