
Home Learning Overview

Welcome to our Home Learning page
Please read the information below to familiarise yourself with the tabs.

Essential Documents: This page contains downloadable documents such as policies and action plans for remote learning.

Weekly Class Homework: Weekly work set by your class teacher to be completed at home either before/after school or at the weekend. Homework will be set on Seesaw on a Monday and it is expected to be completed by Friday morning.  Homework can be completed on Seesaw or in the green homework book. If using the green books, pupils may hand the work in or take a photograph to post on Seesaw.  

Remote Learning: Find out how we will support your child's learning in the event of an individual isolation, bubble and school closure.

Lesson Resources and Support: This page provides you and your child with resources that can be used to support work the teacher has set. For example, online dice, counters and number tracks for maths and videos to support you in the teaching of phonics.

Subjects: Here you will find a menu of all the subjects covered in school. Our subject leaders will regularly update subject pages with website links for their particular area. These links can be used as and when you want!

Storytime: Not only are there websites directing you to online libraries and books. There are also links to our staff reading their favourite stories! If your child has a request, please let us know!

SEND support: Ideas and resources to support specific learning needs.

Brain Breaks: Remember to give your child a break between activities - get them moving using the physical activity ideas on this page! Remember to encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day - keep their brains hydrated!

Family Time: Suggestions for things you can do as a whole family can be found here!

Competitions: Keep a look out on this page for competitions you can enter from home.

Help, support and tips: We will do our best to keep you updated with handy hints and tips on the best ways to access homework and remote learning. There is an additional menu on here containing troubleshooting guides for our most used websites including Active Learn Primary, TTRockstars/Numbots and Purple Mash. However, if you cannot solve your problem here, feel free to contact your class teacher using the home learning e-mail address.

E-Safety: Here you will find advice on how to keep your child safe on line.

Holiday Activities: During the holidays our staff will provide you with fun ideas and website links that could be used during the break. There is no expectation to do these activities but if you do, remember to share them on our Twitter account @bishoplonsdale1